2018 Linda Lancaster – Understanding the Etheric Body Ethers and Subtle Forces in Radionics

2018 Linda Lancaster – Understanding the Etheric Body Ethers and Subtle Forces in Radionics


The etheric body or the Vital Body interpenetrates the physical body and is held together by interpenetrating energy threads, streams, or lines of light. It is the receiver, assimilator, and transmitter of energy! Ether is the life force in every cell and atom of the physical body. Without it, there is no life. Dr Linda Lancaster will bring awareness of the subtle field of ether.


 Understanding the Etheric Body in Radionics

The etheric body or the Vital Body interpenetrates the physical body and is held together by interpenetrating energy threads, streams, or lines of light. It is the receiver, assimilator, and transmitter of energy! Ether is the life force in every cell and atom of the physical body. Without it, there is no life. Dr Linda Lancaster will bring awareness of the subtle field of ether.

Linda Lancaster, ND, Ph.D.
Dr. Linda Lancaster is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician and Homeopath. She has been in practice since 1981 and founded Light Harmonics Institute, an Energy Medicine Clinic and Educational Center based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She maintains clinics in Santa Fe and New York City. Her training includes Classical Homeopathy, Radionics, Medical Radiesthesia, Subtle Energy Healing, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda and Detoxification Methods. Her health and cleansing programs have been offered to her patients for more than 30 years. Dr Lancaster is President and Founder of GFIM Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines.



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